Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Weeks three and four

I completed weeks three and four and learned alot about Flickr and RSS. I will enjoy adding more feeds to my bloglines account.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Setting up blogline account and RSS

I had difficulty setting up this account as it kept saying "This page cannot be displayed."
Finally, I figured it out and then I could not figure out how to add feeds. Help!!!

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Week 3

I successfully completed week three. Yea! EW helped me to post my blog to get the progress report to submit. I still have trouble with cutting and pasting. I don't know why, but I seem to
have a mental block about it, but want to know how to do it, so I must practice.


I viewed the Flickr website and enjoyed it. There are so many options to choose from. I will have
to try something out. I am learning alot and it is fun.

Unblocked blog

I am so glad that my blog is unblocked as I was missing adding things to it.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Week Two

Blogging is a new experience for me. I know now that that is what I am doing on the websites
like "Daily Strength" and "Careplace." I find it most interesting and informative to read about
others' experiences and knowledge. I have learned so much that way. I am glad that I am getting
to experience setting up my own blog.
I think that the more computer literate that I can become...the better. I need to have this knowledge for my job as it becomes more computer dependent.
I suspect that in the future there will be PBCLS blogs that patrons can express their ideas and
suggestions for us to have a better library system.
It will be interesting to read about others' experiences with blogging and learn from them.

Week One

We had to read the 23 things for successful learners. I find that as I get older there are so many things that I want to learn about. I especially enjoy learning about medical things. I read alot of
books on those subjects. I think that we are never too old to learn something new. I hope to continue learning to play my ukele and guitar and piano. I love music.

Weeks one and two

I found setting up my blog to be a challenge for me. I am not that familiar with computer terminology, but hope to become so in the future.